Friday, April 23, 2010

What is your inspiration?

Brain One: The proverbial light bulb that goes off in your head as inspiration strikes.

Mine came from the actual changing of light bulbs in my bathroom last night. Realizing that I was out of regular light bulbs, I put in those new energy efficient spiral looking bulbs. Three 60 watt bulbs to be exact. Flipping on the light switch, I found myself blinded in the brilliance of my bathroom (and the realization that I needed to clean). What an inspiration. This in turn made me think deeper on the subject. Not to mention the thought that I might need to wear sun glasses just to take a shower.

Okay, keep in mind that I have had greater moments. Co-workers, Managers, and friends have been an inspiration to me. Without them I would not have aspired to obtain my CPP. However, it was the motivation of the end goal that drove me to study.

Remember, Motivation is different than Inspiration. That bathroom will not clean itself. Every day we set goals for ourselves. At the end of the day, do you fall short of those goals because of lack of motivation? It is a great thing to be inspired, but it is even better when you have the motivation to do something about it.

So, what is your inspiration? And do you have the courage to motivate yourself to achieve your inspirations?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Brain One: Welcome Payroll Fans! Well, isn’t everyone a fan of being paid? Then you too are a Payroll Fan.

My name is Holly. Since I am writing this, I have decided to be selfish and refer to myself as Brain One. This does not in any way insinuate to which of the two brains has greater knowledge. Brain One (Holly) and Brain Two (Robin) is only a way to differentiate between the two authors of this blog.

Brain Two (Robin) is my colleague and dear friend. We have known each other longer than we have been working in Payroll. A long time when you consider that we have been working in Payroll since 1995 & 1996. In the past two years we have both accomplished one of our greatest professional goals by becoming Certified Payroll Professionals (CPP).

Our reasons behind this blog are to share our knowledge, our faux pas, and our illustrious adventures. In addition, we hope to gain insight from others within the Payroll field.